Saturday, 16 October 2010

The Fort by Bernard Cornwell

Finally finished reading this today, which is the reason for my lack of posts, so here are my thoughts on it.

This is Bernard Cornwell's latest novel which is set in a brand new period of history for him, I am slightly biased as I really enjoy most of his books so was anticipating this for some time.

Based around the American War of Independence and specifically the Penobscot Expedition. Not one of my favourite parts of history (especially as we - the Brits - lost !! ) I hadn't heard of this, although reading about the events after the book, there is quite a history to it.

Not spoiling it, the book is all about the Americans attempting to take a fort that the British are building at Majabigwaduce (still not 100% sure how to say that.) Like most of his books it is very well researched and the characters (nearly all real people who were actually in the conflict) are excellently portrayed on both sides of the conflict.

It has opened my eyes to this period of history and I may well read some more about it.

My favourite book from him since the Grail Quest Trilogy, I do hope he returns to some of the characters at a later date. I definitely recommend it.

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